I am looking at creating an advanced pinhole camera which includes a lens added on to the box. I'll be using a magnifying glass as my lens, with a piece of metal which will have a precision cut pin hole. This will be where the light enters to travel through the box to hit the light sensitive paper. The cut will be a 2mm hole this is easier number to work with in working out the calculations for the f stop number so for example 240mm divided by 2mm (hole size) = aperture of F120. Another important area to get right before making the box is to figure out the focal length with the magnifying glass this will determine what size box you are going to need. As there needs to be enough depth for the image to be in focus what ever that works out to be. My magnifying as a focal length of 24 so I need to ensure my box is long at least that deep in order for me to produce a focused image.
To work out the exposure values I'm going to make an exposure wheel which will then give me all the information I need once I know my f number and focal length.
Materials needed for making your camera:
Box (Depends on my lens focal point to determine the size)
Black gaffer tape
Thin piece of metal with a pinhole cut out (2mm hole)
Screw lidded top to cover the pinhole
Black paint
Magnifying glass
Super glue
Paint brush
Drill piece
Making my camera:
On constructing my camera I first used black gaffa tape to light proof the outside of the box and the lid. I then used black matt paint to paint the inside of the box. On the lid of the box I cut out a square hole this is where the aluminium plate will sit with the 2mm hole drilled out. With the plate stuck down and taped round (not taping over the hole) I super glued the magnifying glass down over the plate to create the lens. After that set I then glued and fixed down the screw lid this will act as my shutter, I made sure to gaffa tape the lid and screw part to make sure no light leaks through. I then fixed inside the box a black cardboard sheet which curves round with it curving will add some nice depths to the images once I start taking photos.
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