To create a basic pin hole camera is easy you can use pretty anything which acts as a chamber to capture the image. The object needs to be light proof and which isn't reflective inside. Easiest thing to use is a box, you need to cut a hole in one side of the box and with a tin or aluminum piece of metal pierce it with pin this will act as your aperture to allow the light to pass in. You will need to get either black tape or a piece of blue tak to cover the hole before your ready to expose and after you have exposed. In the opposite side of the chamber you will need to gain access to load some light sensitive paper remember this will have to be done in the dark with no light source around as this would effect the light sensitive paper and it would be no good. AS long as you make sure your box is completely light poof with either black tape and black matt paint you are ready to go and experiment with your box pin hole camera. You can experiment with different exposure times and so forth to create different images with different effects.
Examples of basic cameras:
Examples of pinhole images:
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