Friday, 11 December 2015

Thomas Kettner - WB 1 11/12/15

Thomas Kettner – Photographer, director, CEO and creative director – born in 1960 in Stuttgart, Germany – raised in Johannesburg, South Africa is traveling for his clients since almost 30 years across all continents of the world, searching for the most spectacular, unique and outstanding picture.
After studying machine tool engineering and photo-design in Bielefeld, operated within and from his studio in Stuttgart. September 2013 was the time to move on. Now Hamburg has become the centre of his work and life, from where he operates with his international teams and network.
Crossing the lines in all aspects and going far beyond, diving with whales, shooting on floating icebergs, working with wild cheetah’s or flying in an open helicopter over Buckingham Palace, always determined to get the solitaire of a picture.
Listening, patience, understanding and highest claims are just some of his assets, that his clients can always count on.
With his long-term project «L’hommage» he becomes a portaitpainter of biographies, which are full of imagination and aspiration which he gently seeks and traces.
Numerous awards have given Kettner a name, that stands for experimental photography just as for fashion, advertising, people or lifestyle.
Since 2004 he is member of the board in the BFF – Bund der freischaffenden Fotografen und Filmgestalter – (alliance of the freelance photographers and film creators), one of the most outstanding associations of freelance photographers in europe. He also gets involved in cooperate social projects for example the «German Doctors», the «Cheetah Conservation Fund», «Hiege-Stiftung gegen Hautkrebs» and the «Dominik Brunner Foundation».
His spectrum of clients goes from Lufthansa, Mercedes Benz, BOSS, Wella, Gübelin, Schwarzkopf, BOSCH, Peter Hahn, Ulla Popken, Gina Laura, OTTO, TCHIBO, C&A, SPORT 2000 and many more.

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